Webcasting Opportunities Virtually Unlimited
Date posted: October 11, 2013
Reading Time: 6 minutes Colleges and universities worldwide have an ever increasing array of technological tools at their disposal, which can be perceived as...
Developing Donation Pages and Strategies
Date posted: October 9, 2013
Reading Time: 5 minutes Fundraising for colleges and universities can be a tricky balancing act. While unrestricted donations are vital for sustaining and developing...
Hashtags Just Got Even More Important on Google!
Date posted: October 4, 2013
Reading Time: 3 minutes Google recently announced that Google Search will now allow users to search for Google+ posts including hashtags. If you are...
Reading Time: 3 minutes Google recently announced that Google Search will now allow users to search for Google+ posts, including Google hashtags. If you...
Understanding Higher Education in South Korea 101
Date posted: October 2, 2013
Reading Time: 5 minutes Education is taken very seriously in South Korea – what other country would alter stock market and flight schedules just...
Leveraging Your Authentic Voice With Student-Generated Content
Date posted: September 25, 2013
Reading Time: 5 minutes As a new year of frosh carries their contagious excitement onto campuses worldwide, there is an opportunity for admissions departments...
Moving to a Mobile-First Mindset
Date posted: September 17, 2013
Reading Time: 4 minutes The rapid rise of internet-ready mobile technology has had web designers rushing to keep up. While the online landscape is...
Best Practices for Virtual Tours in Higher Education
Date posted: September 5, 2013
Reading Time: 5 minutes Admissions teams have long known that visiting a campus is the most important factor in solidifying a student’s decision to...
Social Media in Recruitment Survey Indicates Higher Ed Marketers are Listening Less
Date posted: September 2, 2013
Reading Time: 4 minutes In mid-August, a very interesting survey was released from University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, that was focused on “how does a...
Facebook Contests For Colleges: Rules Change Yet Again – What Does It Mean for Your College?
Date posted: August 30, 2013
Reading Time: 3 minutes Facebook contests for colleges have been key in the social media marketing toolbox. Colleges have been using them to help...