How Welcoming is Your School’s Website for International Students?
Date posted: February 22, 2017
Reading Time: 10 minutes Imagine you are a prospective international student, preparing to leave your home country for the first time. Do you feel...
Leveraging Big Data and Predictive Analytics for Better Student Recruitment and Retention
Date posted: February 15, 2017
Reading Time: 11 minutes Schools were among the earliest adopters of data analytics nearly a decade ago, and as society has moved increasingly online,...
What Changes to LinkedIn for Higher Education Mean for Online Student Recruitment
Date posted: February 8, 2017
Reading Time: 10 minutes Over the past year, LinkedIn for higher education has arguably been the most difficult social media platform for student recruitment...
In Plain English: 5 Tips for Simplifying Your Content Writing for International Students
Date posted: February 1, 2017
Reading Time: 8 minutes As international markets become increasingly important for student recruitment, schools need to ensure that their messaging is being clearly understood...
HEM’s Brand New eBook: Digital Marketing Solutions for Education Institutions is Available Now!
Date posted: January 30, 2017
Reading Time: 2 minutes Your Guide to the Changing World of Digital Student Recruitment! We’re very excited to announce that the fifth edition of...