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In a globalized world, international student recruitment is no longer an option but a necessity. Schools engaging in recruiting international students are not only working towards their growth and success but also playing a vital role in fostering global citizenship and cultural exchange. However, schools needing more resources and strategies may need help navigating the competitive educational landscape to attract qualified prospects.

Over the years, digital marketing has become an essential part of international student recruitment. As digital channels become more and more popular, international student recruiters should be looking for ways to engage digitally with their prospects. In this blog post, we will introduce you to some of the benefits and challenges of using digital marketing to attract international students, as well as offer valuable insights on collaborating with a marketing agency to enhance your lead generation strategies.

Using Digital Marketing for International Student Recruitment

Did you know that 60% of Gen Z students place greater importance on first impressions from digital sources compared to in-person interactions? Additionally, it is estimated that Gen Zers and Millennials increasingly rely on digital platforms to learn about products and services. This shift has significant implications for those seeking to recruit international students, as they have to diversify their digital marketing strategies.

As in all other fields, the international student recruitment process has to align with the preferences and behaviors of the current tech-savvy generations. So, if you wonder, “How do universities recruit international students?” The answer is simple: in an ever more digital-centric world, universities are adapting to this trend by employing online and offline strategies to connect with students across borders. As seen in the example below, many universities, like the University of Melbourne, use their TikTok accounts to provide an overview, from the point of view of an international student, of what it means to study abroad at their university.

Source: University of Melbourne’s TikTok account

The positive aspect to consider is that leveraging digital channels for marketing to international students can bring significant advantages to both educational institutions and recruiters. This approach not only results in cost and time savings but also extends the reach to a larger pool of potential students. First, you can focus on building an international reputation through organic social media channels. This involves connecting with prospective students and enhancing brand awareness. By consistently engaging with your target audience, you can foster a positive perception of your school, making it an attractive choice for international students.

Once your school’s brand reputation has solidified, you can leverage paid social media advertising for an even more effective outreach to your international audience. Social media platforms offer precise audience targeting options based on various factors, such as demographics, interests, and online behavior. This highly targeted approach allows you to reach the right prospects, ensuring your message resonates with those most likely interested in your educational offerings. As a recruiter, consider using influencer and video marketing to help your school establish more authentic relationships with prospective students.

To further consolidate your digital presence, consider developing an SEO strategy for enrollment growth. This strategy should focus on enhancing your website’s visibility in search engine results, ultimately increasing the likelihood of being discovered by international students. By optimizing your website’s content with relevant keywords and ensuring that it adheres to SEO best practices, you guarantee that when prospective students use search engines to look for educational opportunities, your institution is more likely to appear prominently in their search results.

Understanding the Challenges of International Student Recruitment

Over the years, many institutions have asked us, “Why recruit international students?” Besides bringing diverse perspectives and enriching the academic and social environment, recruiting international students can help improve an institution’s global reputation and ranking. 

In addition to bringing diverse perspectives and enriching the academic and social environment, recruiting international students can help improve an institution’s global reputation and ranking. However, although international student recruitment can bring many benefits to schools, there are several challenges that recruiters need to analyze before starting this journey. 

The following common question we are often asked is how to recruit international students?

The key to international student recruitment is knowing the demographics, preferences, and needs of your international audience and creating content that speaks to their needs and expectations.

The first big challenge you may encounter when recruiting international students in higher education is identifying the right tools to reach your audience. All audiences are different, so it is crucial to determine what communication channels your prospective students prefer to ensure that your efforts are well-spent. At HEM, for instance, whenever we create a marketing strategy, we check our client’s student personas to determine which communication channels we’ll use, as seen in the example below.


The next big challenge is cutting through the noise. There might be many other schools trying to convince prospective students to join them, so you need to develop a comprehensive strategy to outline what actions you will take to ensure you stand out from the crowd. You can start by doing some research about your target audience’s preferences. Consider these questions: What type of content profoundly connects with your audience? How do they prefer to engage in communication? What are your standout strengths, and how can you ensure your prospects are well-informed about them? Remember that the key to getting your message across is knowing not just what to say but also how to say it and that each platform you use has its language and tone. Thus, tailoring your content to suit the platform is integral to reaching and resonating with your intended audience.

Another crucial factor to consider as you refine your international student recruitment strategy is the influence of political and economic fluctuations. These shifts can have a significant impact on both the content and the offerings you provide. Staying attentive to these external dynamics and adapting your approach is essential for a successful and resilient recruitment strategy. In addition, it’s vital to ensure that your messages consider cultural differences, as clear and culturally sensitive communication plays a pivotal role in attracting and engaging international students. 

You should also keep an eye on evolving student preferences and expectations. Watch out for trends and look for innovative ways to reach your prospects. While promoting programs is a must, you also need to promote the lifestyle and the support systems that your school offers to international students, as they will keep this into consideration when choosing their destination. For instance, the University of Toronto uses Instagram reels to create campus tours and show what life is like at their residences. Engaging with current social media trends allows the university to further connect with prospective students.

Source: University of Toronto’s Instagram

Why Partner With a Marketing Agency to Reach International Students?

If you are an international student recruiter, chances are that you handle a diverse range of tasks simultaneously–from managing admission processes to creating digital campaigns to attract new prospects. Though this might work for many, it is also true that constant multitasking can lead to missed chances to connect with potential students, engage effectively with partner institutions, or optimize the recruitment process. This is when partnering with a marketing agency becomes a beneficial choice.

In addition to helping recruiters with their marketing efforts, marketing agencies bring a wide array of experience in reaching prospective students effectively. Here are just a few reasons why partnering with marketing agencies can take your recruitment process to the next level:

  • Expertise in international student recruitment: Marketing agencies can have insights into the cultural nuances and digital marketing trends needed to captivate your global audience. In addition, agencies are constantly keeping themselves up to date on developing effective marketing strategies.
  • Personalized content: Marketing agencies know how to create content to target your international audience. They can implement the latest strategies to help you get your word out. At HEM, for instance, we know how to recruit international students. We understand that the key to international student recruitment is knowing the demographics, preferences, and needs of your global audience and creating content that speaks to their needs and expectations.

  • Develop multichannel marketing strategies: Partnering with an agency will give you access to various marketing channels for recruiting international students. Agencies have the resources and expertise to create cross-channel campaigns to help your school reach a global audience.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Collaborating with a marketing agency can be cost-effective, as agencies offer a consolidated and efficient solution cheaper than hiring multiple professionals or agencies. 
  • Save time: International student recruitment can be time-consuming if you do everything yourself. Partnering with an agency will let you focus on core activities while you let marketing experts handle digital marketing and lead generation complexities.
  • Multi-language services: Marketing agencies can help you convey your message in different languages to reach your target audience better. You’ll be able to launch multilingual digital marketing strategies and campaigns to ensure that your prospects are getting the information they need in a language that’s accessible to them. 

Are you looking to partner with a marketing agency for international student recruitment? We are uniquely qualified to help you track, analyze, and grow the online traffic to your school from anywhere in the world! Get in touch with us today.

Tips for a Successful Partnership

If you choose to partner with a marketing agency for international student recruitment, there are several steps you can take to guarantee that you have a successful collaboration. First, you should develop a clear communication strategy between you and the agency. This will facilitate everyone’s work and contribute to the success of your marketing campaigns. Establish a reliable communication channel you and the agency want to use and have clear contact points. Let the agency know when it would be best to reach you and try to schedule regular meetings to discuss ongoing projects. 

Once you’ve defined what your communication channels will be, it is time to determine your goals and expectations. Establish clear objectives and expectations for your international student recruitment efforts, and let the agency know what you expect from them. Ask yourself what are your target enrollment numbers, preferred markets, and key performance indicators (KPIs), and make sure to communicate these to the agency. It is recommended that you establish an international student recruitment strategy that can serve as a guiding framework for both your institution and the marketing agency. Such a strategy should outline a detailed action plan and measurable goals. In addition, your recruitment strategy should have well-developed international student personas to ensure your efforts are not wasted. This comprehensive approach guarantees that everyone involved is aligned with a common purpose, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of your recruitment efforts.

Understanding cultural nuances and preferences is not only a sign of respect but also a strategic advantage that can set your institution apart in a competitive global market. Thus, when developing this strategy, it is vital to ask the agency to keep the cultural context in mind throughout the planning and execution of marketing materials and strategies. If there are any considerations the agency should be aware of, communicate this to the agency from the first interaction. 

Finally, don’t forget to discuss budget allocations and financial arrangements. It’s essential to transparently convey your budget and how you intend to allocate it. This financial clarity allows the agency to tailor their efforts effectively, ensuring that your resources are optimally utilized to achieve your recruitment goals.

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