Top 20 Higher Ed Holiday Greetings of 2013

Date posted: December 30, 2013

Reading Time: 3 minutes This is my second annual top 20 higher ed holiday greetings list so I’m feeling a little bit better qualified...

Reading Time: 4 minutes Social media platforms are constantly tweaking their layout, terms of services, or features. This HEM series is meant to help...

Our Questions and Answers Page: Ask Us Anything!

Date posted: December 6, 2013

Reading Time: 2 minutes Questions about higher education marketing come our way in many different forms, through many different channels. Our phones, emails and social...

Reading Time: 5 minutes Remarketing is a powerful and effective digital marketing tactic for reaching your target prospective student. Many colleges and universities are...

Reading Time: 4 minutes You’ve probably heard the term “mobile-only” but haven’t really thought too much about it. So let’s start by defining it:...

Reading Time: 4 minutes Google’s Education team recently hosted a Google Hangout that provided their 2013 Q3 report on the state of Google search...

Reading Time: 4 minutes Higher education web ecosystems are generally pretty complicated and include multiple domains, sub-domains, microsites, payment gateways, CRM systems and external...

Reading Time: 4 minutes Till very recently, Facebook’s strict terms of service did not allow us to use text or calls to action in...

Reading Time: < 1 minute On Thursday, October 24th, in cooperation with our good friends at OmniUpdate, HEM presented a free 30 minute webcast, on,...

Recruiting Students for Continuing Education

Date posted: October 25, 2013

Reading Time: 5 minutes Lifelong learning has become a pivotal contributor to the new era of the knowledge economy. As technological innovation accelerates societal...