Reading Time: 4 minutes If you are a typical college or university marketer who checks in once and a while with Google Analytics (GA)...

Text Messaging for Student Recruitment

Date posted: October 24, 2013

Reading Time: 5 minutes The popularity of text messaging should be evident to anyone who has spent any time on a college campus. Students...

Reading Time: 4 minutes In last week’s post we discussed the nature and implications of the fact that Google Analytics is no longer providing...

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you have a role in digital marketing at your institution you’ve probably heard that Google is rolling out a...

Reading Time: 3 minutes Google recently announced that Google Search will now allow users to search for Google+ posts including hashtags. If you are...

Reading Time: 3 minutes Google recently announced that Google Search will now allow users to search for Google+ posts, including Google hashtags. If you...

Reading Time: 3 minutes Feeling overwhelmed trying to manage and execute your digital marketing for your college or university? Well, you are not alone....

Understanding Student Recruitment in China 101

Date posted: September 11, 2013

Reading Time: 5 minutes China represents a source of endless fascination for college and university admission departments. According to the Chinese Ministry of Education,...

Understanding Student Recruitment in China 101

Date posted: September 11, 2013

Reading Time: 6 minutes China represents a source of endless fascination for college and university admission departments. According to the Chinese Ministry of Education,...

Reading Time: 3 minutes Facebook contests for colleges have been key in the social media marketing toolbox. Colleges have been using them to help...