If you want to create an event in Mautic’s calendar, there are two ways to go about it.

Add Event Button

The first is to click the ‘Add Event’ button on the top right-hand side of the screen, which will open the ‘Add New Event’ window.


Add event

Add Event in Calendar

The second method of creating an event is to simply click the place on the calendar where you want your event to go. To illustrate the second method, take this example: if you wanted to create an event on Tuesday at 9:00 am, you would click on that slot on the calendar.


add event from calendar view-01


Regardless of the method you use to initially create your event, the ‘Add new event’ menu that will appear is the same.


Add new event


Here, you can set the date and time of your event, assign it to a staff person, and select the contact it involves. You also have the option of selecting what type of an event it is – call, meeting, or ‘to-do’ –  adding a title and notes, and listing the emails of attendees involved.

After you’ve added the needed information, simply press ‘Add’ and your event will be logged in the calendar. 

If you click on the event in the calendar, you’ll be brought to the contact’s profile. If you hover your cursor over it, you’ll be able to see the notes you’ve made.