Mautic by HEM allows schools to create an endless number of custom fields in order to create forms and gather data that is totally unique to your school. This allows you to gain valuable insights into your prospective students in order to create more personalized campaigns. It also gives your school endless flexibility when it comes to building forms.
Navigating to the Custom Fields Section
To access the section of Mautic by HEM devoted to custom fields, click the gear icon in the top-right corner. This icon is visible no matter what page you’re on in Mautic.
This will open up a sidebar menu. Select ‘Custom Fields.’
Here, you can see all the fields included in your CRM. You can also see the field alias, group, data type, and ID.
Create New Custom Field
To create a new custom field, first click “New” in the top-right corner.
This will open up the form builder. On the left-hand side of the page, you can customize the details of your field.
Note that “Label” refers to the name of the field as it will appear in a contact’s profile. The other elements are optional, but can help you organize and categorize your custom fields.
“Object” refers to the contact type associated with the field, such as contact or agency. Data type refers to the type of data you’re obtaining; this could be a number (which is relevant if you’re asking for age or a phone number, for instance) text, country, and more.
“Alias” is an alphanumeric string used to identify the custom field.
“Group” relates to the section of a contact’s profile where the field is found. As you may know, a Mautic contact profile is divided into different sections (including Contact Information, Agent Information, Program, Education, and more) so this dropdown menu determines where the field will be located.
“Default value” is the value that is automatically added to new contacts if they do not fill out an answer to the custom field. Note that the default value is added only to new contacts (i.e. those added to your system after you publish the custom field) and not those who are already in your CRM.
On the right-hand side of the page, you can edit the more technical elements of the new custom field.
Many fields, such as “Published” and “Visible on forms” are straightforward.
The “Required” field allows you to determine whether this field is always required on any Mautic form you create.
For some of the other more technical fields, you can hover over the question mark icon to learn what they are referring to.
When you’re happy with your new form field, you can click “Save and Close” in the top-right hand corner. If you toggled “Published” to yes, this form field is available for use. If you do not publish the field, it will still be saved in Mautic, but it will not be visible on your forms until you publish it.