From reports to upcoming activity, schools can customize their Mautic dashboard in order to view the most relevant insights as soon as they log in.
When you log into Mautic, you will be automatically brought to the dashboard, offering you at-a-glance insights into their admissions efforts. You can also navigate to it by clicking the ‘Dashboard’ button on the left-hand sidebar.
Set Time Frame
Mautic’s dashboard reports provide key data over a certain time period, which you can change by choosing a start and end date in the top left-hand corner of your dashboard. Once you click ‘Apply,’ the reports will automatically update with the relevant data.
View Reports
Mautic allows schools to add as many widgets as they want to their dashboard in order to analyze data that is most relevant to them.
Your dashboard will automatically include the following 11 widgets:
- Contacts Created
- Contact Map
- Top Lists
- Visits
- Emails Sent/Opened
- Unique/Returning Visitors
- Ignored/Opened Emails
- Identified vs. Anonymous leads
- Dwell Times
- Recent Activity
For a more detailed description of the preset dashboard reports, click here.
Mautic also enables users to track the following activities:
- Downloads in time
- Unique vs. Repetitive Downloads
- Popular Assets
- Created Assets
- Events triggered in time
- Leads added in time
- Emails in time
- Most sent emails
- Most read emails
- Created emails
- Devices for emails read
- Form submissions in time
- Top submission referrers
- Top submitters
- Created forms
- Lifecycle
- Top contact owners
- Top contact creators
- Popular landing pages
- Created landing pages
- Device granularity
- Points in time
- Report graph
- Stages in time
Users can also customize their dashboards by editing, removing, or adding reports at any point in time. You can also rearrange the reports to your liking.