Reading Time: 9 minutes At this point, you’ve probably come across your fair share of stories on social media channels like Facebook, Instagram and...

Reading Time: 11 minutes The term user experience (UX) gets thrown around a lot in digital marketing circles when discussing web design. However, it...

Reading Time: 9 minutes It’s an unfortunate fact of life for many social media marketers that no matter how much time and energy you...

Reading Time: 11 minutes When discussing new opportunities for international students, experts are often keen to talk up the prospects of markets like India,...

Reading Time: 10 minutes When discussing international student recruitment in Africa, Nigeria has had a tendency to dominate the conversation in recent years. However,...

Reading Time: 10 minutes As of June 2018, Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users. In the last year alone, over 300 million...

Reading Time: 8 minutes Of all the new features that Facebook has implemented in the past couple of years, Facebook Live has arguably been...

Reading Time: 8 minutes Summer is finally here! For many schools, this time of year is a chance for students and instructors to take...

Reading Time: 9 minutes When managed well, Pay per Click (PPC) campaigns can be an ideal student recruitment tool. Working on the principle that...

Reading Time: 11 minutes The use of customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing automation technology has grown massively across a number of industries over...