Tips for Promoting Blended Learning to Recruit the “Unreachable” Student
Date posted: June 8, 2016
Reading Time: 8 minutes “Blended learning” is typically described as the thoughtful combination of online and face-to-face instruction. It is an intuitive improvement to...
LinkedIn Retools Higher Ed Features: What This Means for Your Recruitment Campaigns
Date posted: May 18, 2016
Reading Time: 9 minutes Hot on the heels of Instagram and Twitter’s recent newsfeed changes, recruiters can expect another important social media platform to...
Date posted: May 11, 2016
Reading Time: 10 minutes Why does interaction matter in content marketing? Research has firmly established that when we actively participate in an exercise, we’re...
Marketing Automation: 3 Routes to Smarter Student Recruitment
Date posted: April 27, 2016
Reading Time: 7 minutes Marketing automation. The term conjures up images of computer-generated messages going out to prospects in spammy abundance, de-humanizing brands and...
7 Ways Schools are Upgrading Their Apps to Recruit & Retain More Students
Date posted: April 13, 2016
Reading Time: 8 minutes There’s little doubt that prospective students both near and far are using their smartphones to learn about your school. A...
Recruiting Students from Latin America: Market Trends & Digital Tactics
Date posted: March 16, 2016
Reading Time: 8 minutes Most colleges, universities and language programs across the globe are fully aware that Latin America is now one of the...
Creating Digital Micro-Campaigns Around Your College Events
Date posted: February 24, 2016
Reading Time: 9 minutes Every college has dates on their calendar that are extra special. Sometimes it’s a legendary sporting occasion, such as the...
Creating Digital Micro-Campaigns for Colleges
Date posted: February 24, 2016
Reading Time: 9 minutes Every college has extra special dates on its calendar. Sometimes, it’s a legendary sporting occasion like the Oxford-Cambridge boat race...
6 Ways Social Media can Boost Language School Recruitment
Date posted: February 17, 2016
Reading Time: 7 minutes Historically, international students have relied on referrals from agents and academic counsellors when selecting a language school. While these referrals...