6 Higher Education Marketing Trends to Watch

Date posted: December 30, 2020

Reading Time: 6 minutes Predicting marketing trends in an ever-evolving digital landscape is always a challenge. With ongoing changes in technology, student behavior, and...

Reading Time: 7 minutes Colleges and universities have been using branch locations to reach and recruit new students for decades, often with slightly modified...

Reading Time: 12 minutes From an early age, we stress to students the importance of networking. We tell stories of jobs won and promotions...

Reading Time: 8 minutes “Blended learning” is typically described as the thoughtful combination of online and face-to-face instruction. It is an intuitive improvement to...

Reading Time: 10 minutes Why does interaction matter in content marketing? Research has firmly established that when we actively participate in an exercise, we’re...

Reading Time: 7 minutes We looked at the QS World Grad School Tour: Applicant Survey 2015 to learn more about what drives postgraduate decision-making...

Reading Time: 7 minutes Why buy a whole album when you can just download the one or two songs you really want from iTunes?...

Reading Time: 2 minutes We’re Reviewing 2014 Trends to Help You Jumpstart your 2015 Marketing! 2014 was a very exciting year in higher education...

Reading Time: 2 minutes On Thursday, October 9, 1:30 pm Eastern, Higher Education Marketing will present a free, half-hour webinar, entitled Student Recruitment Strategy...

Reading Time: 4 minutes Canada’s new Anti-Spam Legislation, also known as CASL, goes into effect July 1, 2014. It invokes some pretty dramatic change in...