Reading Time: 9 minutes At a time when people are spending considerably more time at home, many individuals are looking to upskill or pursue...

6 Higher Education Marketing Trends to Watch

Date posted: December 30, 2020

Reading Time: 6 minutes Predicting marketing trends in an ever-evolving digital landscape is always a challenge. With ongoing changes in technology, student behavior, and...

Reading Time: 3 minutes As the current crisis surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop, the circumstances facing schools are changing day by day,...

Reading Time: 8 minutes The student recruitment challenges faced by language schools are unique. Recruitment Content for Language Schools can attract students from a...

Reading Time: 7 minutes Colleges and universities have been using branch locations to reach and recruit new students for decades, often with slightly modified...

Reading Time: 10 minutes The millennial generation has occupied a special place in public discourse of late. We are increasingly preoccupied with the sheer...

Reading Time: 9 minutes   A volatile economy, rising tuition costs, fear of student debt, and mounting uncertainty around the “worth” of a college...

Reading Time: 8 minutes Marketing pundits predict that “content personalization” will continue to dominate the industry throughout 2016 (and beyond), as businesses and organizations...

Reading Time: 8 minutes “Blended learning” is typically described as the thoughtful combination of online and face-to-face instruction. It is an intuitive improvement to...

Reading Time: 8 minutes There’s little doubt that prospective students both near and far are using their smartphones to learn about your school. A...