Reading Time: 11 minutes Today, social media channels have blown up with unprecedented levels of content. Educational institutions around the world now rely on...

Reading Time: 9 minutes Today, social media is more than just a tool for connecting with friends and family; it has become a vehicle...

Reading Time: 10 minutes For many students, a school’s campus often functions as a second home. Here, students may spend the majority of their...

Reading Time: 14 minutes What is Influencer Marketing? Not long ago, influencers were limited to celebrities and a few enthusiastic bloggers. Today, they seem...

Reading Time: 14 minutes The education sector has had some great news, with reports looking favourable for a strong re-entry to in-person learning in...

Reading Time: 14 minutes In all probability, your school long ago joined the ranks of educational institutions around the world using Instagram in its...

Reading Time: 13 minutes To engage prospective students, you have to catch them where they live – and it’s no secret that your prospects...

Reading Time: 9 minutes With more social media channels adopting the ‘stories’ feature, and more companies using this format to build their brands, it’s...

Reading Time: 9 minutes With the acute focus on student-centric content in today’s digital marketing world, it is no surprise that many schools are...

Reading Time: 10 minutes What started as a platform known for karaoke-style videos and dance challenges has evolved into a social media giant, quickly...