Don’t Miss Our Free Webinar- Maximizing the Effectiveness of Your Student Recruitment Campaigns with Google Analytics
Date posted: November 7, 2016
Reading Time: 2 minutes We’re excited to announce that Higher Education Marketing will be hosting a FREE 30-minute webinar for education marketing and admissions...
Beyond Responsive: Mobile Optimization for Universities
Date posted: October 26, 2016
Reading Time: 8 minutes Have you pulled up your school’s website and application on your phone recently? The foundation for all digital marketing activities...
7 Steps to More Relevant & Actionable Student Personas
Date posted: August 3, 2016
Reading Time: 9 minutes As demand for highly personalized, strategically targeted student marketing grows, so does the interest in (and need for) detailed knowledge...
How “Education Hubs” are Impacting International Student Recruitment
Date posted: July 13, 2016
Reading Time: 7 minutes Colleges and universities have been using branch locations to reach and recruit new students for decades, often with slightly modified...
Promoting Small Colleges? 6 Key Angles for Your Content Strategy
Date posted: June 29, 2016
Reading Time: 9 minutes A volatile economy, rising tuition costs, fear of student debt, and mounting uncertainty around the “worth” of a college...
Don’t Miss Our Exclusive CBIE Webinar Next Friday: “How Digital Marketing Can Help You Reach and Recruit More International Students”
Date posted: April 25, 2016
Reading Time: 2 minutes We’re proud to announce that Higher Education Marketing’s own Philippe Taza will be hosting a special webinar entitled “How Digital...
Social Media Marketing in China for Student Recruitment
Date posted: April 6, 2016
Reading Time: 8 minutes China has long been established as the world’s largest market for international student recruitment. With a growing middle class and...
3 Emerging Social Media Networks to Expand your Student Recruitment: Tumblr, Pinterest and Reddit
Date posted: March 9, 2016
Reading Time: 9 minutes The social media landscape continues to change, with user habits and demographics constantly shifting from year to year. Crucially for...
Creating Digital Micro-Campaigns Around Your College Events
Date posted: February 24, 2016
Reading Time: 9 minutes Every college has dates on their calendar that are extra special. Sometimes it’s a legendary sporting occasion, such as the...
Creating Digital Micro-Campaigns for Colleges
Date posted: February 24, 2016
Reading Time: 9 minutes Every college has extra special dates on its calendar. Sometimes, it’s a legendary sporting occasion like the Oxford-Cambridge boat race...