Reading Time: 5 minutes Deciding where to most strategically allocate your limited higher ed marketing budgets to compete effectively is tough and getting tougher....

Reading Time: 3 minutes Facebook contests for colleges have been key in the social media marketing toolbox. Colleges have been using them to help...

PPC Conversion Rates in Higher Ed

Date posted: June 11, 2013

Reading Time: 5 minutes As PPC becomes mainstream in higher ed as a marketing tactic, colleges and universities who have not used it in...

Reading Time: 5 minutes It turns out that mobile can be a great platform for generating student leads for higher ed student recruitment. In...

Reading Time: 5 minutes When we begin working with a college or university on their online marketing we usually start our process with a...

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you post to your college or university’s blog to engage prospective students then you know how difficult it can...

Reading Time: 3 minutes We hear, “I need more high quality leads”, from college and university marketers a lot. From Ivy League MBA schools...

Reading Time: < 1 minute Higher Education Marketing presented a webinar on May 17, 2012 discussing online lead generation for higher education. The webinar covered...

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you have set up your school to use Google Analytics, you are now harnessing the power of analytics-driven marketing:...